Class: Sketchup::InputPoint

  • Object
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The InputPoint used to pick entities that reside under the current cursor location. InputPoint and PickHelper are similar, but InputPoint also uses inferencing. Only tools react to cursor location. Therefore, most of the methods in this class are only useful in the context of a tool you are writing. For example, if you want to determine the entity that you just clicked on with the mouse, you would use InputPoint.pick from within your onLMouseButton method in a tool. See the example script linetool.rb for examples of using the InputPoint class.


  • SketchUp 6.0

Instance Method Summary # collapse

Constructor Details

#initialize(pt_or_vertex) ⇒ Object


Prior to SketchUp 2019 it was not possible to sub-class Sketchup::InputPoint due to a bug in how SketchUp initialized the class.

The new method is used to create a new InputPoint object.


ip1 =

# Or you can construct it at an arbitrary location.
starting_point =, 200, 300)
ip2 =

Returns inputpoint - the newly created InputPoint object if successful


  • pt_or_vertex

    An optional Point3d or Vertex where the new InputPoint should be created.


  • SketchUp 6.0

Instance Method Details

#==(inputpoint2) ⇒ Object

The == method is used to determine if two input points are the same.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 =
ip2 = view.inputpoint x,y
# Copy the contents of inputpoint2 into inputpoint1
ip1.copy! ip2
# Returns true
status = ip1 == ip2

Returns status - true if the InputPoint objects are the same object. False if the objects are not the same.


  • inputpoint2

    The second input point in the comparison.


  • status - true if the InputPoint objects are the same object. False if the objects are not the same.


  • SketchUp 6.0


The clear method is used to clear the input point.

This sets it to an empty state. After calling this, valid? will return false.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
# Returns true
ip = ip1.clear


  • inputpoint - the cleared (empty) input point if this successful


  • SketchUp 6.0

#copy!(inputpoint) ⇒ Object

The copy! method is used to copy the data from a second input point into this input point.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 =
ip2 = view.inputpoint x,y
# Copy the contents of inputpoint2 into inputpoint1
ip = ip1.copy! ip2

Returns inputpoint - the new input point that received the copy if successful


  • inputpoint

    The second input point.


  • inputpoint - the new input point that received the copy if successful


  • SketchUp 6.0


The degrees_of_freedom method retrieves the number of degrees of freedom there are for an input point.

If you are just getting a point in space, then the degrees_of_freedom will be 3 - meaning that there is nothing about the point that would constrain its position.

If you are on a face, then the degrees_of_freedom will be 2 meaning that you can only move on the plane of the face.

If you are on an Edge or an axis, then the degrees_of_freedom will be 1 meaning that you can only move in the direction of the edge or axis.

If you get an end point of an Edge, or an intersection point, then the degrees_of_freedom will be 0.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
dof = ip1.degrees_of_freedom


  • degrees_of_freedom - see comments.


  • SketchUp 6.0


The depth method retrieves the depth of an inference if it is coming from a component.

If the InputPoint is not getting a position from inside a component, this method will return 0. Otherwise it returns the depth of the entity in a nested component that is providing the position.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
d = ip1.depth


  • depth - a number representing the depth of the inputpoint (inside groups and components) if successful


  • SketchUp 6.0


The display? method is used to determine if the input point has anything to draw.

If the method returns true, then the draw method will draw something.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
status = ip1.display


  • (Boolean)

    status - true if the draw method will draw something, false if the draw method has nothing to draw


  • SketchUp 6.0

#draw(view) ⇒ Object

The draw method is used to draw the input point.

This is useful for showing an InputPoint from within the draw method of a tool that you have implemented in Ruby. Additional examples are available in the Plugins/examples directory.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
ip = ip1.draw view

Returns view


  • view

    The current view.


  • view


  • SketchUp 6.0


The edge method is used to retrieve the edge if the input point is getting its position from a point on an Edge.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
e = ip1.edge


  • edge - an Edge object if successful, or nil if unsuccessful


  • SketchUp 6.0


The face method retrieves the face if the input point is getting its position from a face.

Otherwise it returns nil.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
f = ip1.face


  • face - a Face object if successful, or nil if unsuccessful


  • SketchUp 6.0


The #instance_path method retrieves the instance path for the picked point.

The returned instance_path is a copy of what the input point is holding on to at the moment you access it. Your copy will not update if you make new picks with the input point.

If there has been no valid pick it will return `nil`.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip = view.inputpoint(x, y)
instance_path = ip.instance_path



  • SketchUp 2017

#pick(view, x, y, inputpoint) ⇒ Object

The pick method is used to get the input point at a specific screen position.

The first form just uses the screen position to compute the InputPoint. It is used when you don't want the InputPoint to be dependent on another InputPoint.

The second form uses the screen position and another InputPoint. It will find additional inferences such as along one of the axis directions from the first point.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
inputpoint = view.inputpoint x, y
inputpoint2 =
inputpoint.pick view, x, y
inputpoint.pick view, x, y, inputpoint2

Returns status - true if a valid InputPoint was picked and it is different than it was before.


  • view

    The current view.

  • x

    A x value.

  • y

    A y value.

  • inputpoint (optional)

    A second input point used as a reference for the pick.


  • status - true if a valid InputPoint was picked and it is different than it was before.


  • SketchUp 6.0


The position method is used to get the 3D point from the input point.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
point = ip1.position


  • point - a Point3d object position for the input point if successful


  • SketchUp 6.0


The tooltip method is used to retrieve the string that is the tool tip to display for the input point.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
# Click on a face and you get "On Face"
tip = ip1.tooltip


  • tip - a string tooltip or an empty string (if the input point doesn't provide a tooltip).


  • SketchUp 6.0


The transformation method retrieves the Transformation object for the input point.

If the InputPoint object is getting its position from something inside of a component instance, this method returns the Transformation of the component instance. Otherwise it returns the identity Transformation.

Note that the position method on a input point always returns a point that is transformed into model space. If you are using the edge, face or vertex method on the InputPoint though, you will probably need to use the transformation method to transform the data that you get back from the selected entity.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
# In this case, returning the identity transformation
tform = ip1.transformation


  • transformation - the Transformation for the input point if successful


  • SketchUp 6.0


The valid? method is used to determine if an input point has valid data.

You must have called the pick method to set the data before it is valid.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
status = ip1.valid?


  • (Boolean)

    status - true if the input point has valid data, false if it does not have valid data.


  • SketchUp 6.0


The vertex method returns a Vertex associated with the InputPoint. If the InputPoint is on the end of a line, then it will return the Vertex. If the InputPoint does not select any vertices this method returns nil.


view = Sketchup.active_model.active_view
x = 100
y = 100
ip1 = view.inputpoint x,y
# Click on a face and you get "On Face"
tip = ip1.vertex


  • vertex - The associated vertex


  • SketchUp 6.0